No longer a secondary concern, environmental impacts now guide economic and social decisions every day. Regardless of scope, magnitude or complexity, ARM's team works daily to address environmental problems of the past, while keeping a focus on the future through sophisticated approaches that manage and implement cost-effective, comprehensive, and unique solutions. We leverage our extensive experience and partnerships with local and state government agencies, municipalities, and private sector companies to transform legacy sites with multiple liabilities to economically viable opportunities. ARM is well positioned to assist your project and navigate intricate environmental challenges, while building on the opportunity to implement sustainable and cost-effective strategies.
ARM assists buyers and sellers in identifying, quantifying and managing environmental liabilities during property transactions.
ARM assists private and public sector property owners in cleaning up and redeveloping properties impacted by past industrial activities.
ARM is experienced in assisting owners with obtaining environmental permits for new development of commercial and industrial facilities as well as modifications to existing facilities. Once permitted and during implementation and post-development, our team is ready to support your project with compliance and reporting associated with your environmental permits.
ARM assists facility managers in complying with the many requirements of the environmental regulations and permit conditions.
o Asbestos Surveys & Mitigation
o Lead Paint Surveys & Mitigation
o Indoor Air Quality Assessment
o Sick Building Syndrome Evaluations
o PCB Surveys
ARM’s scientists are ready to assist your petroleum and hazardous materials storage tank sites in complying with regulatory requirements and preparing for emergencies.
ARM’s information management solutions help owners keep track of critical data for environmental reporting as well as natural resource management. ARM has developed a comprehensive GIS data management platform to support the largest brownfield cleanup project in the United States. A similar GIS data management system can also be implemented for your site, where there can be a significant amount of data associated with permit compliance, sampling, and site development.
North America's Largest Brownfield
Phoenix Award Winning Project
Restoring York, PA
10 Years of Environmental Services
Investigation, Cleanup & Redevelopment
VA DEP Voluntary Remediation Program
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