Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have become a focal point of environmental discussions nationwide. These persistent chemicals are present in everyday products such as food packaging, stain repellents, non-stick cookware, cosmetics, and waterproofing compounds. PFAS are also a major constituent in aqueous film forming foam (AFFF), widely utilized in combating high-hazard flammable liquid fires at air defense centers, airports, petroleum and fire training centers.
Due to their unique chemical characteristics, PFAS are highly soluble in soil and groundwater and don't degrade, earning them the moniker "forever chemicals." Their persistence in the environment allows them to migrate extensively through groundwater, leading to documented contaminant plumes spanning over a mile from the source area(s). While much of the primary focus has been on public drinking water supplies, impacts to soil, waterways and groundwater are being identified in every type of environment across the United States and beyond.
With over 25 years of experience and expertise in the waste management, environmental cleanup, and water resource markets, ARM Group’s staff have built a reputation as trusted experts in these areas. As a result, our clients have relied on us for PFAS sampling and analysis, source identification and migration studies, and liability reduction strategies. We have worked with landfills, water suppliers, attorneys, developers, lenders, business owners, municipalities, regulators and more to help address their PFAS concerns.
Contact ARM Group today to explore how our tailored PFAS solutions can safeguard your environment and contribute to a sustainable future.
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Mr. Farrington is a professional geologist with over 35 years of experience in environmental consulting. A recognized expert in geology, hydrogeology, contaminant transport in groundwater and soil vapor, and environmental remediation, Mr. Farrington specializes in PFAS sources identification and migration studies as a part of environmental due diligence, liability assessments and litigation support. He specializes in soil and groundwater remediation, risk evaluation and mitigation, and groundwater studies. He has provided litigation support and expert testimony before the Environmental Hearing Board and in Federal Court.