ARM was retained by the Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA) to perform a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) on an undeveloped 2-acre parcel of land located in Alexandria Virginia, historically part of the Central Operations Area for the Richmond Fredericksburg and Potomac (RF&P) rail yard from approximately 1906 to 1990. IDA sought to purchase the land in order to construct an 8-story office building. Due to the historical use of the property, which included refueling of diesel locomotives, repair, maintenance, servicing, and cleaning, the development of the property was being conducted through the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Voluntary Remediation Program (VRP).
Check out the below time lapse footage of the project:
Project Highlights
Phase I ESA
Phase II ESA
Remedial Action Plan and Soil Disposal
ARM Geophysics and ARM Geo-Science Engineering & Testing, LLC (GSET) Conducted Geotechnical Investigations Prepared a Geotechnical Summary Report
Pre-Construction Survey
Groundwater Dewatering Work Plant to Facilitate Site Development & Operation
Groundwater Discharge Monitoring
Soil Disposal Approval Coordination
Full-time Geotechnical Construction Monitoring, Oversight, and Inspection Services
ARM has played, and continues to play, an integral part in the investigation, cleanup, and redevelopment of Potomac Yard