Our geo-environmental and geotechnical core competencies ensure that what lies beneath the surface is integrated into your project to avoid surprises and to reduce overall project costs. ARM’s geotechnical engineers look at more than just the optimal foundation support system; we look at the entire site/project and provide insights and recommendations to ensure that the subsurface conditions are considered in every aspect of the design. From karst conditions to stormwater infiltration, we arm our clients with the information they need to make informed, holistic decisions while simultaneously minimizing risks and costs.
o Footing & Mat Slab Design
o Ground Improvement Planning &
- Aggregate Piers
- Rigid Inclusions
- Compaction Grouting
o Probable Maximum Flood Mitigation
o Seepage Mitigation
o Spillway and Weir Repair
o Annual Inspections
o Soils
o Aggregates
o Concrete
o Masonry
o Landslides and Slope Stability
o Mine Subsidence
o Sinkhole Remediation
o Geosynthetic Subgrade Stabilization
o Soil Cement Analyses
o Soldier Pile Walls
o Soil-Nailed Walls
o Rock Anchors
o Footing & Mat Slab Design
o Caisson
o Micropiles
o Helical Piles
o H-Piles
o Auger Cast Piles
o Lateral Pile Capacity Analyses
o Load Testing Analyses & Review
o Soils
o Aggregates
o Concrete
o Pipeline Stability
o Slope Stability
o Geohazard Mitigation
o Peer Reviews
o Landslides & Slope Stability
o Mine Subsidence
o Sinkhole Remediation
o Probable Maximum Flood Mitigation
o Seepage Mitigation
o Spillway & Weir Repair
o Annual Inspections
o Landslides & Slope Stability Review
o Mine Subsidence
o Sinkhole Remediation
o Aggregate Piers
o Rigid Inclusions
o Compaction Grouting
o Caisson
o Micropiles
o Helical Piles
o H-Piles
o Auger Cast Piles
o Lateral Pile Capacity Analyses
o Load Testing Analyses & Review
o Probable Maximum Flood Mitigation
o Seepage Mitigation
o Spillway & Weir Repair
o Soldier Pile Walls
o Soil-Nailed Walls
o Rock Anchors
o Soils
o Aggregates
o Concrete
o Footing & Mat Slab Design
o Ground Improvement Planning & Selection
 Aggregate Piers
 Rigid Inclusions
 Compaction Grouting
o Caisson
o Micropiles
o Helical Piles
o H-Piles
o Auger Cast Piles
o Lateral Pile Capacity Analyses
o Load Testing Analyses and Review
o Soldier Pile Walls
o Soil-Nailed Walls
o Rock Anchors
o Soils
o Aggregates
o Concrete
o Masonry
o Footing & Mat Slab Design
o Ground Improvement Planning &
 Aggregate Piers
 Rigid Inclusions
 Compaction Grouting
o Caisson
o Micropiles
o Helical Piles
o H-Piles
o Auger Cast Piles
o Lateral Pile Capacity Analyses
o Load Testing Analyses & Review
o Landslides & Slope Stability
o Mine Subsidence
o Sinkhole Remediation
o Probable Maximum Flood Mitigation
o Seepage Mitigation
o Spillway & Weir Repair
o Annual Inspections
o Soldier Pile Walls
o Soil-Nailed Walls
o Rock Anchors
o Soils
o Aggregates
o Concrete
o Masonry
o Footing & Mat Slab Design
o Caisson
o Micropiles
o H-Piles
o Lateral Pile Capacity Analyses
o Load Testing Analyses and Review
o Probable Maximum Flood Mitigation
o Seepage Mitigation
o Spillway & Weir Repair
o Annual Inspections
o Soldier Pile Walls
o Soil-Nailed Walls
o Rock Anchors
o Soils
o Aggregates
o Concrete
o Masonry
o Landslides & Slope Stability
o Mine Subsidence
o Sinkhole Remediation
o Soils
o Aggregates
o Concrete
o Masonry
o Landslides & Slope Stability Review
o Mine Subsidence
o Sinkhole Remediation
o Landslides and Slope Stability
o Mine Subsidence
o Sinkhole Remediation
o Footing & Mat Slab Design
o Ground Improvement Planning and
 Aggregate Piers
 Rigid Inclusions
 Compaction Grouting
o Caisson
o Micropiles
o Helical Piles
o H-Piles
o Auger Cast Piles
o Lateral Pile Capacity Analyses
o Load Testing Analyses and Review
o Soldier Pile Walls
o Soil-Nailed Walls
o Rock Anchors
o Soils
o Aggregates
o Concrete
o Masonry
o Footing & Mat Slab Design
o Landslides & Slope Stability Review
o Mine Subsidence
o Sinkhole Remediation
o Soils
o Aggregates
o Concrete
o Masonry
o Compaction Control of Fill/Backfill (Nuclear & Sand-Cone)
o Proofrolling Review
o Dynamic Cone & Proving Ring
o Reverse-Graded Filter Review
o Grouting & Plugging
o Compaction Grouting
o High Mobility Grouting
o Geophysical Diagnostics (Seismic,
Electrical Resistivity, Microgravity, GPR)
o Compaction Grouting
o High Mobility Grouting
o Rebar Placement
o Pre- & Post-Tensioning Review
o QC Testing of Cast-in-Place Concrete
o Floor Flatness & Levelness Profiling
o Moisture Vapor Transmission Testing
o Rebound Hammer & Windsor Probe
o Core Sampling
o Geotextiles
o Geogrids
o Geomembranes
o In-Place Density
o CBR Testing
o Core Sampling
o Placement Method Review
o Visual Review of Bolted & Welded
o Non-Destructive Testing (Magnetic Particle
& Ultrasonic)
o Compaction Control of Fill/Backfill (Nuclear
& Sand-Cone)
o Proofrolling Review
o Dynamic Cone & Proving Ring
o Caissons
o Micropiles
o H-Piles
o Auger Cast Piles
o Helical Piles
o Rebar Placement
o QC Testing of Cast-in-Place Concrete
o Rebound Hammer & Windsor Probe
o Geotextiles
o Geogrids
o Geomembranes
o In-Place Density
o CBR Testing
o Geosynthetic Placement
o Visual Review of Bolted & Welded
o Non-Destructive Testing (Magnetic Particle
& Ultrasonic)
o Compaction Control of Fill/Backfill (Nuclear
& Sand-Cone)
o Proofrolling Review
o Dynamic Cone & Proving Ring
o Reverse-Graded Filter Review
o Grouting & Plugging
o Compaction Grouting
o High Mobility Grouting
o Geophysical Diagnostics (Seismic,
Electrical Resistivity, Microgravity, GPR)
o Caissons
o Micropiles
o H-Piles
o Auger Cast Piles
o Helical Piles
o Compaction Grouting
o High Mobility Grouting
o Geotextiles
o Geogrids
o Geomembranes
o Compaction Control of Fill/Backfill (Nuclear
and Sand-Cone)
o Proofrolling Review
o Dynamic Cone & Proving Ring
o Reverse-Graded Filter Review
o Grouting and Plugging
o Compaction Grouting
o High Mobility Grouting
o Geophysical Diagnostics (Seismic,
Electrical Resistivity, Microgravity, GPR)
o Rebar
o Horizontal Reinforcement
o Wythe Assembly
o Bearing Plates
o Mortar
o High and Low Lift Grouting
o Mix Proportioning
o Caissons
o Micropiles
o H-Piles
o Auger Cast Piles
o Helical Piles
o Compaction Grouting
o High Mobility Grouting
o Rebar Placement
o Pre- & Post-Tensioning Review
o QC Testing of Cast-in-Place Concrete
o Floor Flatness & Levelness Profiling
o Moisture Vapor Transmission Testing
o Rebound Hammer & Windsor Probe Testing
o Core Sampling
o Visual Review of Bolted & Welded
o Non-Destructive Testing (Magnetic Particle
& Ultrasonic)
o Compaction Control of Fill/Backfill (Nuclear
& Sand-Cone)
o Proofrolling Review
o Dynamic Cone & Proving Ring
o Reverse-Graded Filter Review
o Grouting and Plugging
o Compaction Grouting
o High Mobility Grouting
o Geophysical Diagnostics (Seismic,
Electrical Resistivity, Microgravity, GPR)
o Rebar
o Horizontal Reinforcement
o Wythe Assembly
o Bearing Plates
o Mortar
o High & Low Lift Grouting
o Mix Proportioning
o Caissons
o Micropiles
o H-Piles
o Auger Cast Piles
o Helical Piles
o Compaction Grouting
o High Mobility Grouting
o Rebar Placement
o Pre- and Post-Tensioning Review
o QC Testing of Cast-in-Place Concrete
o Floor Flatness & Levelness Profiling
o Moisture Vapor Transmission Testing
o Rebound Hammer & Windsor Probe
o Core Sampling
o Geotextiles
o Geogrids
o Geomembranes
o In-Place Density
o CBR Testing
o Core Sampling
o Placement Method Review
o Visual Review of Bolted & Welded
o Non-Destructive Testing (Magnetic Particle
& Ultrasonic)
o Compaction Control of Fill/Backfill (Nuclear
& Sand-Cone)
o Proofrolling Review
o Dynamic Cone & Proving Ring
o Reverse-Graded Filter Review
o Grouting & Plugging
o Compaction Grouting
o High Mobility Grouting
o Geophysical Diagnostics (Seismic,
Electrical Resistivity, Microgravity, GPR)
o Caissons
o Micropiles
o H-Piles
o Compaction Grouting
o High Mobility Grouting
o Rebar Placement
o Pre- and Post-Tensioning Review
o QC Testing of Cast-in-Place Concrete
o Rebound Hammer & Windsor Probe Testing
o Core Sampling
o Geotextiles
o Geogrids
o Geomembranes
o In-Place Density
o CBR Testing
o Core Sampling
o Placement Method Review
o Visual Review of Bolted & Welded
o Non-Destructive Testing (Magnetic Particle
& Ultrasonic)
o Compaction Control of Fill/Backfill (Nuclear
& Sand-Cone)
o Proofrolling Review
o Dynamic Cone & Proving Ring
o Reverse-Graded Filter Review
o Grouting & Plugging
o Compaction Grouting
o High Mobility Grouting
o Geophysical Diagnostics (Seismic,
Electrical Resistivity, Microgravity, GPR)
o Compaction Grouting
o High Mobility Grouting
o Geotextiles
o Geogrids
o Geomembranes
o In-Place Density
o CBR Testing
o Core Sampling
o Placement Method Review
o Compaction Control of Fill/Backfill (Nuclear
& Sand-Cone)
o Proofrolling Review
o Geomembranes
o Geocomposites
o Geotextiles
o Geogrids
o HDPE & Other Plastic Pipe
o Protective Cover
o Dynamic Cone & Proving Ring
o Rebar Placement
o Pre- & Post-Tensioning Review
o QC Testing of Cast-in-Place Concrete
o Rebound Hammer & Windsor Probe
Construction Phase Soils Testing:
o Compaction Control of Fill/Backfill (Nuclear
& Sand-Cone)
o Proofrolling Review
o Dynamic Cone & Proving Ring
o Reverse-Graded Filter Review
o Grouting and Plugging
o Compaction Grouting
o High Mobility Grouting
o Geophysical Diagnostics (Seismic,
Electrical Resistivity, Microgravity, GPR)
o Rebar
o Horizontal Reinforcement
o Wythe Assembly
o Bearing Plates
o Mortar
o High & Low Lift Grouting
o Mix Proportioning
o Caissons
o Micropiles
o H-Piles
o Auger Cast Piles
o Helical Piles
o Compaction Grouting
o High Mobility Grouting
o Rebar Placement
o Pre- & Post-Tensioning Review
o QC Testing of Cast-in-Place Concrete
o Floor Flatness & Levelness Profiling
o Moisture Vapor Transmission Testing
o Rebound Hammer & Windsor Probe
o Core Sampling
o Geotextiles
o Geogrids
o Geomembranes
o In-Place Density
o CBR Testing
o Core Sampling
o Placement Method Review
o Visual Review of Bolted & Welded
o Non-Destructive Testing (Magnetic Particle
& Ultrasonic)
o Compaction Control of Fill/Backfill (Nuclear
& Sand-Cone)
o Proofrolling Review
o Dynamic Cone & Proving Ring
o Reverse-Graded Filter Review
o Grouting & Plugging
o Compaction Grouting
o High Mobility Grouting
o Geophysical Diagnostics (Seismic,
Electrical Resistivity, Microgravity, GPR)
o Rebar Placement
o Pre- & Post-Tensioning Review
o QC Testing of Cast-in-Place Concrete
o Floor Flatness & Levelness Profiling
o Tilt-Up Construction Review
o Rebound Hammer & Windsor Probe
o Core Sampling
o In-Place Density
o CBR Testing
o Core Sampling
o Placement Method Review
o Rebar
o Horizontal Reinforcement
o Wythe Assembly
o Bearing Plates
o Mortar
o High & Low Lift Grouting
o Mix Proportioning
o Geotextiles
o Geogrids
o Geomembranes
o Visual Review of Bolted and Welded
o Non-Destructive Testing (Magnetic Particle
and Ultrasonic)
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We will get back to you as soon as possible.