Penn State University

Centre County, PA

ARM has assisted the Pennsylvania State University (PSU) with the decommissioning of two of the original Public Water Supply Wells (UN-1 and UN-1A) on the University Park campus.  The wells were no longer in services and the wellheads were located subsurface in the campus steam tunnels along College Avenue - adjacent to the main gate to campus.

Project Highlights


  • Well and borehole characterization, including water-quality sampling and performance of a downhole geophysical survey, including caliper log, acoustic and optical televiewer, and conductivity/temperature.
  • Development of a well decommissioning plan for review/approval by the PSU Office of Physical Plant and the Centre Region Code Administration.
  • Coordinated logistics and subcontractor activities to successfully seal the wells.
  • Planned with the PSU OPP for work to be performed during a break in the academic schedule to minimize potential student safety concerns and minimize campus disruption.
  • Successfully performed work in a confined entry environment with limited physical access.


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