Middlesex Township

Identification of Township Water Supply

Middlesex Township Municipal Authority engaged ARM to evaluate the groundwater development potential of the southern half of the Township. The investigation was the first step of a multi-year program to develop approximately three million gallons per day (MGD) of groundwater to replace the public water supply currently obtained from a neighboring municipality. 

Project Highlights

  • Comprehensive hydrogeologic investigation ten square mile study area to determine the quantity and quality of groundwater available from the bedrock aquifers of the township
  • Consideration was also given to reserving sufficient groundwater baseflow discharge to the Letort Spring Run, a sensitive, cold-water trout stream located in the extreme northern portion of the study area
  • ARM conducted an air photo fracture trace analysis to identify zones of concentrated fracturing within the most significant carbonate (limestone and dolomite) bedrock units of the township. These fracture traces were interpreted as having the highest permeabilities and storage potential for groundwater within the study area, and were judged to be favorable for well drilling
  • ARM’s hydrogeologists selected prospective well sites at the intersection of two fracture traces, which coincided with favorable topographic positions. This process resulted in the selection of about 30 well sites that were then subjected to field inspection 
  • On the basis of these field inspections, 20 well sites were selected and ranked according to well yield potential
  • A final project report was prepared entitled “Groundwater Availability and Well Siting Study"

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