Lackawanna Energy Center

Jessup, Pennsylvania

The Lackawanna Energy Center (LEC), in Jessup, PA, is a 1,485MW natural gas-fired combined-cycle power plant equipped with some of the newest natural-gas-powered turbine technologies. The facility can power over 1 million homes and contributes approximately $50 million to the region’s revenue. LEC has replaced the old coal-fired power plants in the area leading to a pronounced, better air quality for the region. This would ultimately help Pennsylvania achieve the new carbon emissions reduction targets set by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Project Highlights


  • Over the project’s five-year span, ARM's GeoScience Engineering & Testing was contracted as the lead geotechnical engineering consultant for LEC, which is located in a brownfield site above an abandoned coal mine 
  • Due diligence study prior to construction 
  • Mining evaluation, development and implementation of a void mitigation program. 
  • Construction materials testing and inspection 
  • Excavation of 1 million cubic yards of material, including a half-million cubic yards of drilled and blasted rock. 
  • The abandoned, former anthracite mine was then stabilized by pumping 16,000 cu yd of grout in 2,200 drilled holes, creating a solid foundation for the plant.


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