Cumberland County Landfill Hopewell Expansion

Cumberland County, Pennsylvania

As part of the Hopewell Expansion of the Cumberland County Landfill and in fulfillment of federal and state permit compliance, ARM successfully completed designed, permitted, provided construction oversight, and monitored the wetland and stream mitigation for Cumberland County Landfill in Hopewell Township, Pennsylvania. 

 The mitigation was required to offset the permanent loss of stream and wetland impacts within the Conodoguinet Creek watershed, resulting from the landfill expansion. The wetland and stream mitigation were developed using a watershed perspective and natural channel design methods were implemented for the stream design. The project involved complex design, attentive agency coordination, permit amendments/modifications, bid document preparation, resource protection, construction oversight, monitoring and compliance reporting. 

Project Highlights

  • Approximately 1,500 linear feet of perennial stream restoration and enhancements
  • Dam removal design to restore stream and wetland habitats
  • One acre of wetland mitigation, including creation and restoration/enhancements
  • Approval of a Stream and Wetland Mitigation Report, including final design plans and establishment of wetland and stream performance criteria during the five year monitoring program
  • The performance criteria was satisfied in terms of size and vegetation coverage, composition and functioning hydrology and hydric soils
  • The wetland mitigation area included a diverse community of 91 plant species was observed within the wetland mitigation areas. One hundred percent of the common/dominant plant species within the wetland mitigation areas were hydrophytic species
  • Invasive plant species are below the performance criteria threshold
  • The wetland and stream mitigation are within a 13-acre conservation area, which protects the riparian corridor

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