Days Cove Rubble Landfill

Baltimore County, Maryland

ARM has been the full-service engineer and consultant for the Days Cove Rubble Landfill facility in Baltimore County since 2007, providing comprehensive support services for expansion design, leachate management, landfill gas control and remediation systems, permitting, support equipment and facility implementation liner and cap construction quality assurance (CQA), groundwater and landfill gas monitoring, and regulatory compliance. ARM has completed nine separate projects for Days Cove Reclamation Company since 1999, including the Phase 2 and 3 permit applications for Days Cove’s proposed landfill in Queen Anne’s County, Unicorn Rubble Landfill, Spencer’s Sand and Gravel, Fairmont Road Landfill, and Maryland Sand & Gravel.

Project Overview

  • Multiple Phases Landfill Cell Construction
  • Stormwater and Leachate Management
  • Design
  • Permitting
  • Groundwater & Landfill Gas Monitoring
In 2020, ARM was successful in assisting Days Cove Reclamation Company with obtaining an expansion permit with the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) for continued operation and solid waste management at the existing rubble landfill. The permitting process satisfied a phased submittal process regulated by the MDE, performed over several years and resulting in an approval to extend the operational life of the facility for more than 7 years

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