HDD Bore Path Assessment

Using 3D Geophysics

ARM assisted a confidential client with a preliminary assessment of a proposed horizontal directional drilling (HDD) bore pathway. The study area crossed a wide stream and multiple bedrock formations. The area also contained complicated folded and faulted geologic structure, which can increase the difficulty of successfully completing an HDD project. 

Project Highlights

  • ARM completed a three-dimensional electrical resistivity (3D ER) survey to simultaneously collect data on both shorelines and beneath the stream. 
  • The processed 3D ER data is plotted as both maps (plan view) and cross-sections (profile view), allowing ARM’s geoscientists to more accurately interpret the changes in bedrock lithology and structure. 
  • Professional interpretations were then used to pinpoint areas of interest for further exploration prior to finalizing the HDD bore path. 
  • ARM successfully reduced the cost of exploratory drilling by targeting specific areas of interest and reduced the risk of unforeseen environmental impacts during HDD installation.

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